Beautiful beaches beyond believe! White fine sand, black sand, yellow sand… all on ONE island!!! Welcome to the French Caribbeans. Guadeloupe, the butterfly island 😀

The photos alone are already pretty convincing. I don’t think I’ll need to describe how wonderful their beaches were. Mention worthy though… their rum was pretty cheap and came in a bunch of varieties. Rum was pretty serious, they even had a museum for that. What a  paradise!


Why the strange title? Well, I lived in the coast of South Africa for 20 years AND Asian. In theory, I’m used to sunny weather. I was wrong! I was BURNT on my first day. That was just plain wrong. First time in my life! It was intensely painful. I felt seared. No amount of aloe / after sun could save me. It was supposed to be a romantic get away. We both could not sleep due to severe sunburn and our luggage was lost in transit (non-direct flight curse). So that’s a wonderful story to be told another time 😛

Look how red I was! This was day one. Yes, my hair is naturally curly like that.

In any case, we’ve just bought tickets for Guadeloupe. This round, I’m determined to enjoy it sans sunburn. I’ll be taking SPF100 (or higher) in my hand luggage. Air Caraibes have regular flight specials 😀 it is worth checking out 😉 guadeloupe-caribbeans-france-5848

Guadeloupe is part of France, but it is located in America. I have not figured out how to categories Guadeloupe. Normally, I categorise by continental location. This one is just awkward?

Map location of Guadeloupe
Image from Wikipedia


  • SPF100+, if you stay on the beach all day long SPF30 will not do the job. Even if you reapply.
  • Pump yourself up with vitamin A the month before for the tan of your life 😛
  • Sun before 10h00 and after 17h00 is deemed to be safe.
  • Minimum 10 days stay is recommend. There are too many beaches, too little time.
  • French is probably essential? I didn’t come across that many people who understood English. But then, if you’re there just to be a beach bum / snorkeling by yourself, who needs any languages?


Where was I?

Plage De La Pointe De La Verdure, Guadaloupe


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Salut, I am Joyce. 40 something living in Paris. Appreciate little things and share giggles. Prudent, no nonsense reviews. #ExploreLaughRepeat


  1. Haha, your picture in the water pretty much sums up your whole trip, doesn’t it?
    So interesting that you noticed the difference in the heat in the Caribbean vs SA. I guess being that much closer to the equator? Sorry you got burnt – ouch.

    • Yup, that photo said it all. Well, actually, there’s a photo of me eating an ice cream as big as my head. Not sure which pic sums it up better *LOL*

      The problem was that I did NOT notice the difference until it was WAY too late *sigh* I did consider posting my peeling like a snake photo, but I didn’t want to scare people off.

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