This Victoria cemetery has been around since 1840. It is the perfect serene escape from the busy London life. While it does not have a crowd of famous tombs, it is certainly more cemetery like that the camera blazing Highgate cemetery. Plus, this is a freebie to visit.

Entrance, main path. Nunhead cemetery.

It was so quiet. I could hear the birds and small movements in the grass. Sheer peaceful dream. I only came across 2 people for the whole 2 hours that I was there. Okay, even if you walk all the paths, it takes less than 2 hours; I had a book with me to chill on the bench.nunhead-cemetery-london-2818Okay, the only issue was that after a while of nobody and the sun starting to set, it did felt a bit more creepy. As the temperature got lower, I started to think of all sort of vampire stuff. It was not good. That was when I decided to run the hell out of the place. There was very little direction signs, so I did run into a mild panic due to my imagination running wild; but hey, if you watched many vampire movies like me, you know what I’m talking about.nunhead-cemetery-london-2814The cemetery is run by Friends of Nunhead (FONH), they’re a conservation organisation. I am not entirely sure whether they’re non-profit, but to me any organisation that conserve history is worthy of my donation / volunteer work.nunhead-cemetery-london-0547


  • They do have free guided tour (I have linked the schedule here). Donation will be appreciated by them.
  • Google map isn’t entirely right, so once inside, get comfortable with the path taking detour.
  • This is a real cemetery, there are people there to mourn their loved one.


**I have brighten up all the tomb photos. Admittedly, my photos looked a whole lot darker than I intended. My blog is a travel blog, not going for the horror theme vibe.

Where was I?

Nunhead cemetery
Linden Grove
SE15 3LP


How to get there?

Easily accessible by rail

Closest rail station: Nunhead (5min walk)

No affiliated links.nunhead-cemetery-london-2823


Camera: Canon 5D mark 3, Sony Z3+

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Salut, I am Joyce. 40 something living in Paris. Appreciate little things and share giggles. Prudent, no nonsense reviews. #ExploreLaughRepeat


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