We stayed at Shiroganeya 白銀屋 in Shibu, Yudanaka. This was a smaller ryokan establishment in the area 😀 Let’s take a peep together?



Room keys

We arrived smelly and looking rugged with our luggage. Left our grubby shoes by the shoe shelves. A lady in an elegant kimono took our luggage up the steep stairs with grace. (HOW?) The receptionist asked us what time we’d like our meals and then led us to our room.


Welcome drink


We went for a bath. There’s a small onsen inside the rykan 😀 After the hot (HOT) bath, we changed into the yukata that they provided.

There’s a free flow cold tea dispenser just outside the bath. How thoughtful 😀


Ring ring ring… (bells)


Dinner awaits us…



After the wonderful (burp) meal. It was time to go onsen around in Shibu. We handed in our room keys to exchange for the gigantic Shibu onsen keys LOL


It was quite busy, so many people were out to do the night bath. Let the crazy 9 onsen rally began… Shibu onsen – Yudanaka, Japan

Map of the 9 Shibu onsen

Deadly relaxed and it was time for bed zzzZZzzzzz

The futon felt sooooo good

Rise and shine!!! Time to eat again!!!! 😀shiroganeya-ryokan-yamanouchi-yudanaka-9227


Where was I?

Shiroganeya (literal translation ‘White silver house’)

信州・渋温泉 白銀屋旅館 長野県下高井郡山ノ内町渋温泉

2054, Hirao, Yamanochi-Machi Shimotakai-Gun, Nagano, 381-0401, Japan

Official site: http://www.shigakogen.jp/st-moritz/shiroganeya/

**We took the shabu shabu dinner + breakfast plan

If you cannot read Japanese, you can book via rakuten.


Not much English was going on in this ryokan. This was a local experience 😉

How to get here?

Same as Shibu onsen – Yudanaka, Japan Direction is at the bottom of the post.


I paid for this stay myself. All the links are for readers convenience only and they’re links that I used myself. No affiliated links


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Salut, I am Joyce. 40 something living in Paris. Appreciate little things and share giggles. Prudent, no nonsense reviews. #ExploreLaughRepeat


  1. Good luck in Queensland, it is very different to the rest of Australia, they are conservative and politically backward up there. Words such as bigots, racists, rednecks, ignoramous’ come readily to mind. It is a big state and the further North one goes, the worse such mentalities become. A few years ago I was working with a group of Northern Queensland teachers and met them in Cairns. They were distrustful of “the Southerners” who turned out to be anyone in Brisbane. Still Joyce as an international traveller one can look for the positives. As I say , GOOD LUCK!!

  2. You have the makings of a travel book in your down to earth commentaries as posted Joyce. Easy to read and easy advice to understand and great images. Don’t underestimate your posts. I really only have in depth knowledge of the South East corner of our continent, mainly the states of Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales and the SE bits of South Australia. As well I’m more natural environment seeking rather than thrill seeking, instant fun/experience stuff that is more common to Queensland. My bias is Tasmania first then avoid the big cities second. For example this weekend we drove to the bush near Bendigo, last weekend drove up to my brother in law’s animal refuge bush farm near Eildon. We escape out of Melbourne regularly.

    • Thank you for your kind support, Denis.

      I looked up on Tasmania, it’s too expensive for me this time ???? I’ll check out Queensland ???? good tip on avoiding big cities ???? the train pass and bus pass for Aussie looks so complicated ????

  3. Your images and story make this an irresistible place to visit Joyce. How are your plans going on the Travel Secrets for Japan book?

    • Wahahah, thanks Denis. I’m not much of a writer haha. I am planning on my Aussie trip in November. Perhaps I should ask you for tips instead 😉

  4. This ryokan reminds me so much of the one we stay in at Nagano! The layout, the closet, the meals, the ROTARY dial phone! – so similar!
    This is the one we stayed at:
    Matsuya Ryokan
    I loved the food they served so much for both dinner and breakfast. There was this dish with a black sesame paste that was so good, my SO gave me his because of the moaning noises I was making while eating it! 😉

    • Love ryokans 😀 That old school touch 😀 Your SO loves you wahaha My hubby ate everything. Matsuya looks amazing~~

  5. I wanna to there as well! The dinner spread is gorgeous!

    • Thanks, Shih-Ya ???? I put this post on a wrong timer. Almost only publish at 19:00 instead (supposed to be 7:00) ????

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