Best box from Japan Funbox so far 😀 BIG thumbs up from me. The snack selection is FAB!!!! Here is what’s in the box this month…


Pretz cultured butter

YUM YUM YUM!!!! 😀 crispy snack sticks.



JuuC grape

This is an old school favourite. Sweet and sour candy. This one has been around since 1960s.




Fried and crispy. Everything that junk food should be :9 3 flavours.



CULT classic. Puff baked biscuit in cut sea creature shapes. This one is in plain / salted flavour.


Shaka Shaka Gumi

Literaturely shake this sweet in the bag filled with flavoured powder. Trust the Japanese to come up with cute snacks.


Black Thumder

I am not a fan of this, but it was very popular at some stage. It is a chocolate hard cookie.


Love 5 out of 6 product. If this is not the winner so far, I don’t know what is :9


Where did I buy it from?

Japan Funbox was sent directly to UK from Japan; they send to anywhere in the world. They had 3 box sizes to choose from. I bought the smallest one, it is called the ‘Mini’.

**I bought this box myself. No economical benefit from any clicks for me. This is my regular sharing post.


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Salut, I am Joyce. 40 something living in Paris. Appreciate little things and share giggles. Prudent, no nonsense reviews. #ExploreLaughRepeat


  1. Fascinating Joyce. We have Japanese supermarkets and even speciality Japanese shops full of glitchy stuff here where I think you would go crazy. Have you been to Melbourne?

  2. the biscuits in the sea animal shapes looks so yummy and cute! I wanna get this box~

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