Thank you SOOOO much readers!!! Your support is amazing and a half!!! This is tremendous. THANK YOU!!!! xox Joyce
The time is now 23h00 (UK), 31/12/2015. This marks the final post for 2015. This is so not a soul searching / new year resolution post. Wrapping up with my favourite 10 food porn of 2015. Food sexiness.
Anyone else with a compulsive blog theme shopping problem out there? I should really concentrate on creating contents, but I just can’t help myself looking around for themes.
Huge thank you goes out to Hopeful Sunflower (aka Sophie) for this nomination! This is an all out warm and fuzzy moment 😀 Thank you for the nomination indeed. ♥ This award is all about the…
This is some serious narcissism. I am getting excited waiting for my next post. You know, that feeling when you’ve scheduled a bunch of posts waiting to be published?