Anyone else with a compulsive blog theme shopping problem out there? I should really concentrate on creating contents, but I just can’t help myself looking around for themes.


Whenever I read other people’s blog I feel inspired and want to improve on my own blog. What makes me like their blogs? What’s the look that I like? How to make mine better? etc. The list of questions rages on.


My main concern is that the theme MUST allow 2 landscape medium photos to stay side by side on a single line. You know, so that all my past posts won’t look messy. I do prefer themes with 2 or more customisable menu (but not a must). I do tend to fancy themes where the photos / feature posts changes itself.


After wasting a fabulous 7 hours (yup), my wordpress themes finalists are:

From the free category

From premium theme

  • Beacon $79- I like it because it is interactive 😉
  • Zuki $24 $49 – Very clean & nothing fancy 😀 **price change in May 2016**
  • Dicot $89 – Same theme as my favourite blog
  • Veggie $79- visually enticing?

**I am only allowed to purchase premium theme after I reach 1,000 followers -_- it is supposed to be my motivation.


Any thoughts? I need help 🙁 Which one should I use? Please cast your vote~~



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Salut, I am Joyce. 30 something living in Paris. Appreciate little things and share giggles. Prudent, no nonsense reviews. #ExploreLaughRepeat


  1. I like your look! This theme is very readable. I checked out e.g. Dicot, and the problem themes like that have is that my computer is a MacBook (laptop) and the fixed header takes up a lot of space and interferes with readung. It wasn’t THAT bad in Dicot, but some other themes make certain blogs impossible for me to read, when the fixed header takes up over half my screen, horizontally. Maybe the proportions are different for Windows. Anyway, VERY interesting post! 🙂 I remember that feeling, I did so much window shopping for my theme – compulsive and addictive: very! So good luck and enjoy the fun of it!! 😉

  2. We voted for gateway! Love that look. (We get stuck looking at themes for hours too… glad to know we’re not alone)

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