Food porn alert. Beautiful local food from the middle of no where. If you visit Vannes, be sure to check this place out. Found this place north of Vannes in Brittany. So worth the 15min drive to no where. Crazy talented husband and wife team (just the 2 of them). They only use local ingredients and that includes even their flour. AMAZING food and service.
Their galette is no kidding serious. It was light and crispy. I could literately hear the galette breaking off when I cut into it. What an amazing texture and buckwheat flavour without dryness!
They have ruined galette for me. Where else am I supposed to find such amazeball crepe?!?!?!? Sorry to my dear old No. 1 spot, La Creperie of 1 Taojiang Rd Xuhui Qu Shanghai 200031, you have just been replaced permanently.
The interior of the restaurant was super cozy.
NB!!! No reservation means no food. Call or email before hand.
Where was I?
La Metairie de Kerozer Creperie
Allée de Kérozer • 56890 Saint-Avé, France
This was a treat from papa.
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Camera: Canon 5D mark 3